vendredi 20 juin 2008

Meeting in La Spezia (Italy)


Visit of the catering section of La Spezia school
Visit of the garden of aromatic herbs “Comenius”
Meeting with the students and the teachers
Presentation of the work done by the students and the team of teachers during the school year.
Presentation of the blogs of the different schools
Preparation of dishes created by the students during the year
Tasting of these dishes by all the partners from a buffet prepared by the students of La Spezia.
Meeting with the press and television .
Visit of a fish keeping place
Visit of a mussel farm
Visit of Cinque Terre by boat
Visit of a wine cellar
Visit of the Organic Valley “ Val di Vara”.
Meeting with a producer of organic cheese and organic dairy products
Tasting of local products .
Meeting with vegetable producers and reception by the inhabitants of a village“Pignone”specialised in organic agriculture

2. ACTIVITIES IN 2007/2008

a) Meeting project in Almeria (Spain) : planning of the objectives of the year
b) Meeting project in La Spezia (Italie) : presentation of the activities and work achieved during the school year
c) Visit of food processing factories
d) Cultural visits
e) Creation of blogs and communication through them all along the year
f) Creation in each school of a garden of aromatic herbs, required by the objectives of the project
g) Creation by each school of a dish based on the use of local products and aromatic herbs
h) Preparation of some dishes from the different partners by the students in each school thanks to the recipe cards exchanged through the blogs .
i) Preparation of a glossary of technical words used in the different recipe cards
j) Preparation of a European Comenius evening in all the schools participating in the project .
k) Work on the geography of every country


The next meeting will be held in Montauban in November 2008 from Monday 10th to Friday 14th . We will prepare the objectives for the year 2008/2009.(everyone can think about the possible activities .)

Each school will have to prepare a dish based on cheese and dairy products and aromatic herbs.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

A propos de produit laitier, j'ai vu à la télévision qu'il devenait "tendance" que les éleveurs vendent directement leur lait aux consommateurs. Le lait est conditionné dans une bouteille. 25 s'alignent dans un espace réfrigéré en libre service : 1€ le litre et le lait est garanti "bio". Il paraît que les ventes sont très bonnes et que le principe va prendre de l'ampleur.